Yup. That's right. Its official. I am taking a break. Well more of a snooze on the couch while the kids play and watch elmo. I'm sure all you mommies know exactly what I'm saying. The fact of the matter is I am just too busy. Believe me when I tell you I did NOT think that less than a year into this venture called "Button Nose Knits" would I need to be scaling DOWN, but alas here we are.
Some of you know that I am a photographer. I work primarily with brides and babies. Between the two I am usually right on the cusp of busy but able to have some time for other things. Well this season that has changed. I am now 100% fully booked through the new year with 90% bookings till June. I'm even over booked in some months with my later booked clients understanding they are going to have to wait longer for their photos. I'm not complaining. The added responsibility of having to be the sole provider for my family as my husband finishes up college proves that the excess business I've been getting is truly a blessing. Really, I am so grateful. But unfortunately that means my time for completing custom orders has already begun to shrink and I will soon reach the point of not being able to finish many if any custom orders for you my lovely customers. At least not in a timely manner. At the same time, the number of custom orders I have been receiving has been steadily climbing. So unless I can teach my 3 yr old to become an experienced crafter in a mater of weeks it seems a change is necessary. ;)
Rather than have a super long turnaround I've decided that till wedding season takes a snooze I'm going to have to revert to an "RTS Only" shop. See? The good news is I'm still going to be around! :) I couldn't bare to leave all those who I have gotten to know through crocheting goodies for their portraits. So what I'm going to do is just work on things from time to time, post them on the site as ready to ship, and participate in my RTS group "Stop 'n Shop PROPS" bi-weekly with 8 other lovely shop owners that I've grown to see as good friends.
I wish I could give you a hard set date on when custom orders will again by posted in the shop. (By custom orders I am not only referring to those orders that are entirely 100% concocted in the collaborative minds of my customer and I. I mean those items that I post in the shop that aren't already made, but that you order for me to make for you in the size and color of your choosing.) The truth is I'm not sure. I can guess and tell you that it will likely be in February if I think realistically.
Now we'll be starting this little snooze in one week from the time I started writing this ridiculously (and admittedly unnecessarily) long post...yesterday. So, that means starting on Monday, October 15th 2012 I will no longer be taking custom orders or posting made to order items in the shop (at least for a while......). We will be converted over to a full RTS shop. In the mean time please feel free to contact me to place custom orders. I'm happy to take them till that time.
Thanks everyone for being such awesome people, customers, and friends! Now play nicely while I rest my eyes on the couch for a while ;). haha
-Ashley Lowder
Button Nose Knits Shop
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